Thursday, September 20, 2012

StNC Has a New Team Member!

It may not have escaped your notice that posts on the blog have been pretty sparse lately.  That is with good reason.  Between a bright little girl who needs even more educational stimulation than ever before, a novel in the works, and not enough hours in the day, I've had to scale back... a lot.  I finally came down to two choices: shut down Starting the Next Chapter or take on a blog partner.  I mentioned my dilemma to one of my oldest and greatest friends, who did something completely amazing: she volunteered!

If you've been with me since the beginning, you'll have seen me mention a particular friend of mine, Nikki, on many occasions.  Nikki started her own book blog, Books Most Wanted, a few months after I opened StNC.  We've known each other since we were 6 and have had many great times together.  We've been living in the same city for the past 3 years since my family moved here and, ever since, we've maintained a friendship surrounding long conversations about anything you can imagine and what is probably a huge driving force for the both of us: BOOKS.

Nikki is kicking butt through graduate school, so her time for blogging has been reduced, as well.  While she finishes her degree in library & information sciences, she is going to help out here at Starting the Next Chapter.  Between the two of us, we make a whole blogger (*grin*), so the amount of content will begin to bounce back very soon.  While she works with me, Nikki will continue to occasionally post reviews on her own blog (let's face it, I've read a lot of books this year and written a lot of reviews already), which you can check out by clicking the following link: Books Most Wanted.

Nikki has prepared a note of introduction for all of you who haven't met her yet or haven't seen her in a while.  She will begin posting regularly beginning next week.  I hope you all are as excited as I am to welcome Nikki to Starting the Next Chapter.

Hello, friends! Many thanks to my long-time friend and book buddy, Marla, for asking me to be a partner in Starting the Next Chapter. It was definitely an easy question to answer yes to. I think it will be beneficial to both of us in many ways. She is taking off in new directions as a writer and I am finishing up my Master's in Library and Information Science, so we both need a little breathing room right now. Thankfully, my schedule is lightening up occasionally and allowing me to be more involved with the "book world" that I have missed so much. My blog, Books Most Wanted, is still active, but will remain at a half-time basis until I graduate. I look forward to this new endeavor and getting to know some old and new friends again! -Nikki


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Blog Design by Imagination Designs all images from the Incredible Things and Under My Umbrella kits by Irene Alexeeva