Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Authors Are Rockstars Tour - Julie Kagawa

I'm late, I'm late, to a very important date!  After 3 days of a malfunctioning internet signal, I am here to tell you all about why Julie Kagawa is a rockstar.  Last year right after I started this blog, I began trying different YA books after a long absence.  I was looking for something different that would kick-start my imagination and keep me well entertained.  One of the very first books I tried was The Iron King and, needless to say, I was a goner.  I finished the first book late at night and immediately went right out to buy the next 2.  The Iron Fey had stolen me away (I promise, I'll refrain from spouting some W.B. Yeats right now a la "The Stolen Child") and there was no turning back.  I had the pleasure of meeting Julie last August at the Ash2Nash author tour, where I was tracked down in the store after tweeting that I had spotted her.  That was such an unforgettable moment, and having the chance to hear about the writing of the series in the author's words was great.  I also found that we have a few things in common, which is an awesome thing to discover about a favored author.  She continues to be amongst my top 5 favorite YA authors and shares a spot at the top of the list.

As a part of today's festivities, the awesomely funny Meghan, Ash, Puck, and Grimalkin dropped by to talk about why Julie is a rockstar, what she has them up to these days, and more.  I hope you enjoy reading the interview as much as I did conducting it!

Marla: Hey, guys, gal, and cat. Welcome to Starting the Next Chapter! It's great having you here.

First off, as you already know, this is the Authors Are Rockstars Tour, so tell me, what makes Julie a rockstar in your eyes?

Meghan: Well, I know that she loves her fans and she loves what she does; that's kind of rockstar-ish, right?

Ash: I'm afraid I don't know enough about rockstars to properly answer this question.

Puck: She has freaky hair.

Grimalkin: *Yawn*

Marla: Meghan, how is life in the Iron realm treating you these days? What's it like being queen?

Meghan: Busy. Lots of responsibilities, being the Iron Queen, especially when dealing with the other courts. But, I love it. I finally feel this is where I'm supposed to be, what I'm meant to be doing. And, of course, Ash is with me, too. That's the best part.

Marla: Ash, how are you finding the Iron realm? What have you been up to?

Ash: I'm rather enjoying it, actually. It's a lot different than Tir Na Nog, and its queen is much easier to get along with. Usually. *Dodges wad of paper hurled by Meghan* As for what I've been doing, I usually work with Glitch in training the guards, keep up with the castle's security defenses, and serve as a personal bodyguard to The Iron Queen.

Puck: Yeah, I bet you guard that body well, ice-boy.  

Ash: Shut up, Puck.

Marla: So, Puck. Have you been on any good capers lately? Have you been behaving yourself? (I know, I know, we probably ALL know the answer to that already. *wink* )
Puck: What? Moi? Capers? Look at this face, how could you suggest such a thing? I am the picture of innocence and childlike virtue.

Ash: Right. And Titania's bedchamber erupted with frogs by itself.

Meghan: And the Summerpods crawled into the wine at last Elysium on their own.

Ash: And Ororobos the dragon went on a rampage through the wyldwood because he misplaced his entire hoard himself.

Puck: What can I say? Life is strange sometimes.

Marla: Grimalkin, my next question is for you. Be honest: do you miss going on adventures with these three? I'll bet life is pretty quiet now.
Grim: Hummmm, what was that, human? I was taking a nap. Miss these three? Miss the chaos, the noise, the constant bailing them out of trouble? What do you think? *Goes back to sleep*

Marla: Meghan, what do you think of your little brother being featured in his own series?
Meghan: I don't know if I like it, honestly. I know how dangerous this world is, and all I wanted for Ethan was to have his own life, away from all the craziness. But, if Faery comes for him, at least I'll be there to help him through it.

Marla: I know all of you must be busy, so I have one last question for all of you.
If you were to write a book, what would it be called and what would it be
Meghan: "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Nevernever." Self-
explanatory. Wished I had something like that when I first came here.

Ash: I don't do a lot of writing, but if I had to, I'd compose some sort
of hunting journal for all the creatures in the wyldwood; strengths,
weaknesses, how to kill them, something like that.

Puck: I'd write a story about four humans who get lost in the forest, a
jealous faery king, a love potion, a queen who falls in love with a donkey,
and a brilliant but charming prankster who gets caught up in all of it. And
I'd call it..."Robin Goodfellow's Day Out." Catchy, eh?

Thank you all so much for stopping by today. Safe travels to you on your way back to the Nevernever!

If you want to check out the other blogs and authors on the tour, you can find the entire list HERE.  Thank you so much for stopping by, and feel free to leave your own thoughts on why Julie Kagawa is a rockstar.  It will get you an entry to win one of her books (sorry, US & Canada only per the publisher's request)!

The Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hey Marla! Thanks so much for being a tour stop! Sorry about your internet being down that must have sucked :(

    Great post! <3
    Two Chicks On Books

  2. Are. You. Kidding me? JULIE KAGAWA IS A ROCKSTAR BECAUSE SHES JULIE KAGAWA. SO jealous you got her for the tour! She's my absolute favorite author and its do good to see Ash, Meghan, and Puck back. If only for this short interview. (We all know Grimalkin is squirming his way into Lost Prince right?)

  3. Ugh Jule is undoubtedly a rockstar! She wrote possibly one of the best series in the history of YA, and now has a spinoff with the MC's little brother! And her drawings! Gah, need I say more? lol

  4. I am SO jealous you got Julie! I pretty much ended up crying when I found out I didn't have her O_O But then I found my author assignment and she was a rockstar too, so I stopped crying a little. ;) She's honestly the thing that got me started blogging, and she's inspired me to be the blogger that I am now. And not to mention, her books are amazing and I could go on forever about them!

  5. I was laughing so hard after reading Puck's story idea. Good Midsummer nights dream!!! I love Julie, think Julie is a rockstar because I love her writing, characters, especially Grim, the world of iron fey, her knowing how to do martial arts! Mostly because she is an awesome person i would love to know in real life and not just through books and the internet. Love the interview entirely!!!

  6. I've only read one of Julie's books - Immortal Rules - but I LOVED it. Can't wait to read Iron Fey. Great tour post, even if you were a few days late. Welcome back to the time-suck that is the Internet!

  7. I started The Iron King awhile back and LOVED what I read. I'm so antsy to get back to it because I really liked the characters and Julie's writing style.

    This interview was hilarious!

  8. I love author Julie Kagawa's writing. Though I still haven't read Ash's book. As I'd thought it was the end of The Iron Fey and was just too devastated to think of it as over. But now that Ethan gets a story, well, I can't wait.

    Julie is a fantastic writer and her stories are so magical. And it's awesome that you were able to meet her in real life. I'd say I was jealous but then I'd probably have just shook, mumbled and made a fool of myself. So, I'll just say, YAY you!

    So sorry for all your internet woes but so glad you could get your post up, be a part of the tour, and host such an amazing author like Julie Kagawa!

  9. I think julie is a rockstar because she writes awesome books.

  10. The Immortal Rules is the best vampire book I've ever read! That's why she is a rockstar.

  11. Those books draw u in until ur lost in another world!

  12. I love how she just takes the well known mythology of the fey and adds a moderns twist!

  13. She writes amazing books that take you to a whole new world. The characters you fall in love with or hate lol.

  14. She is an amazing writer! I forget life around me when I'm reading one of her books...that's exactly what makes a fabulous writer in my world! Plus, she has adorable chickens like we do! Fun!

  15. Great interview! I've missed these characters. Julie's a rock star because she has amazing world-building skills - I love faerie books and I'm pretty picky about them but I adore the Iron Fey books. I also love that she's so good to her fans. Thanks for sharing! :-)

  16. Her characters come to life on the pages! They're like friends :)

  17. Julie's a rockstar because she's one of my favorite authors who wrote one of my favorite series! Her Iron Fey books are amazing :D I can't wait to read The Lost Prince!

  18. Ahh I loved the character interview! xD

  19. Thanks for the giveaway! I loved the interview with the characters. I think Julie's a rockstar because she followed her dream of writing and now shares her awesome stories with us!

  20. That was a fun little interview! Thanks for the chance to win and my reason that Julie is a rockstar is because she wrote such an amazing world that I fell in love with immediately. I love when an author creates something that just sucks you right in! :)

  21. She's a fantasic person and author. And I absolutely LOVE the Iron Fey series!

  22. Ashley @ Wholly BooksAugust 21, 2012 at 10:02 PM

    Julie is a rockstar because she creates awesome characters. I mean Meghan is such a strong female character. I love how Julie developed her character. Plus, Ash and Puck are amazing! Oh and I love her books! Like every single one!

  23. I think Julie is a Rockstar because she created such an amazing world with the NeverNever and her characters are incredible! (Team Ash!) <3

  24. Only 1 word can properly describe why Julie is a rockstar. And that word is ASH. 'Nuff said :D

  25. The Iron Fey series! And she loves Buffy too! RAWR!

  26. Julie Kagawa is a rockstar :)
    I admire her a lot :)

  27. Aww I miss Grim. I'm really excited for Ethan's story. Thanks for the chance to win!

  28. Cannot wait for Ethan's book!!! I really hope is going to run into Puck... that would be funny!

  29. I think Julie is a rockstar because her writing makes me feel like im watching everything happen right in front of me :)

  30. I think she's a rockstar because she can write about both Faeries and Vampires and there both awesome stories!

  31. She's a rockstar because she is an amazing writer!

  32. Because she's the greatest author ever!

  33. She's a great writer :)

  34. Of course she's a rock star! All her characters and stories are awesome!

    Thank you:)

  35. This is a fantastic series. Great YA content, fantastic characters. I simply like just about everything I've seen from Kagawa.

  36. Because she writes awesome stories about faeries!

  37. Because she writes awesome books :)

  38. Because she's an awesome writer, of course ;]

  39. It's the hair, and the crazy, inventive mind that made it that way.

  40. She makes awesome characters, like Puck. :D

  41. I love the Iron Fey series, especially the relationship between Ash and Megan! I also loved The Immortal Rules!
    Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  42. I've read all of her books, and I love them all, so she's a rockstar in my book! :)

  43. I actually haven't read any of her books yet....*GASP*....I know! But I really want to and from all the things I've heard, she's bound to be a rockstar!

  44. All of her books are stunning and manage to stand out of the YA crowd. She takes paranormal creatures and spins such creative tales, like The Immortal Rules (one of my absolute favorites of all time- I love the sinister feel) and of course The Iron Fey series! And her characters! *ahem* Ash *ahem* Puck *ahem* ;)
    Jennifer (V.) in the Rafflecopter!

  45. I haven't read any of Julie's books yet, but I heard they're really great, and this interview is hilarious :)

  46. Because she writes such amazing characters!

  47. Julie is a rockstar because she's an amazing world builder!

  48. I haven't read any of her books yet but I've heard a lot about them so she has to be a rockstart

  49. Julie Kagawa is a rockstar because she is an amazing writer with creatively and uniqueness that you should envy.

  50. She's a rockstar because she's the bestest writer in the world!

  51. Julie Kagawa is a rockstar because she can create an awesome fantasy world and interesting characters.

  52. Because she writes good books

  53. Fantastic interview! Oh how I love Puck! He is so hilarious. I bet ice boy is guarding Meghan's body hehe. Julie is a rockstar because she created such an interesting twist on fairies and she also created such a sweet and funny version of Puck!

  54. She's a rockstar because she's hilarious and a total nerd! I was lucky enough to meet her earlier this month and she's a riot!

  55. I love it, the way Puck make us laugh :).
    Ash and Meghan are very cool together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Super, I love Julie Kagawa youre so fantastic youre book are well written and the characters are so alive
    I love it


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