Tuesday, September 13, 2011

BBAW Day 2: Interview w/ Allison @ The Allure of Books

Welcome to day 2 of Book Blogger Appreciation Week! I was paired up with Allison from The Allure of Books for an interview swap. Allison is a 24 year old English major from Oklahoma who has plans to pursue a master's degree in library science. She has a wide array of interests, which are all reflected well in her blog. Collaborating with Allison for this interview was a lot of fun. I got to know a new blogger who, as it turns out, I have a lot in common with, as well as got to explore a blog I had never seen before. It's a win-win! I hope you all will stop by and check out Allison's blog and say, "Hello!"

1. Why did you start your blog?

Allison: For about two years before I started blogging, I was really active on Goodreads. I made a lot of friends through the different groups talking about books. A few of them, like April at Good Books & Good Wine and Misty at The Book Rat, had already started blogging and I became intrigued. I already wrote reviews for most of the books I read anyway, and decided it would be a lot of fun to be part of another community of book lovers!

2. What is the most beloved book on your shelves?
Allison: No self-respecting reader could pick just one, right? Going back the furthest, my most beloved books are Anne of Green Gables and the Harry Potter series. Then in high school, I added Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie to the favorites shelf, and then more recently The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss and The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson.

3. What are your "guilty pleasure" reads?
Allison: While I don't believe in feeling guilty for reading whatever you good and well feel like - I do have some old Nora Roberts books I would probably never recommend. Her newer single titles like The Search and Chasing Fire are amazing, and I adore the recent Bride Quartet (and don't even get me started on the futuristic In Death series she writes as J.D. Robb because I'm obsessed with those) - but hidden a little further back on my shelves are some of her older titles that lack a little of the polish. I'm mainly talking trilogies - the Irish, Three Sisters, Dream and Key trilogies. They are super cheesy but I have reread them all multiple times and consider them fabulous comfort reads.

4. How are your books organized?

First of all, I have limited room in my apartment so I have several storage bins full of books in my parent's garage, which are sorted by genre for the most part. In my apartment I have three bookcases and The Closet Shelf of Doom. The bookcases are sorta grouped by genre and the closet - other than a couple of ARC stacks - has no discernible organization whatsoever.

Anyway - thanks for having me on your blog, Marla! I had a blast getting to know you. Happy BBAW, y'all!

Thanks, Allison!  I hope you all will go check out Allison's blog.  Don't forget to vote for the different award categories at Book Blogger Appreciation Week's site.  See you tomorrow for the next installment!

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