Monday, February 13, 2012

Author Event Recap - Erin Morgenstern at Nashville Public Library

Though it was a couple of weeks ago, this post is better late than never.  I, along with Nikki from Books Most Wanted, made another trek into Nashville to attend another fabulous event at the Nashville Public Library.  This time, I drove, which was a nerve-wracking experience for me as I rarely drive into downtown Nashville (the edges I can do; downtown with all of its one-way streets is a different story).  I managed to get us there in one piece and on time, so we were able to chat with one of the librarians who just so happened to be in line in front of us, as well as snag some circus-themed treats during the pre-event reception. 

When the doors to the auditorium opened, we made our way down the aisle and managed to snag some pretty great seats in the center and a few rows from the stage.  When Ms. Morgenstern took the stage, the audience was treated to a reading from The Night Circus (specifically the scene in which Bailey enters the bottle tent to explore), followed by an enlightening Q&A session.  We were filled in on details about her current work-in-progress, which she described as film noir meets Alice in Wonderland (how intriguing is that!?).  We also learned about The Night Circus being optioned for a film (That's right!  Movie rights have been procured!).  There was talk about the writing process and a key piece of advice was imparted by Ms. Morgenstern via Neil Gaimon: Keep writing and finish things.  Overall, it was a fabulous event and I, for one, was left quite happy.

All that was left was the signing portion of the evening.  Nikki and I got our books signed

and had our pictures taken with Ms. Morgenstern.

At that point, there was still an extensive line behind us, so we left the library, arrived on the wrong level of the parking garage, finally found my car, and then I proceeded to frighten us both on the interstate (one key fact about me: I hate interstate mergers with a fiery passion).  We stopped for dinner in a more familiar city on the outskirts of Nashville, then made our way back to our own city, tired, a bit frazzled (I doubt Nikki will let me drive us to Nashville again), but still enchanted.

For my review of The Night Circus, click HERE.

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