Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Book Blogger Slump Re-visited: My Epiphany

You may remember a post I wrote on what I have been referring to as the book blogger slump. It was a call for ideas in regard to solutions for getting past a slow period in my blogging. Since then I have still been in the thick of it, but I finally came to an important realization Monday night while Nikki and I were headed home after Ash 2 Nash. With Nikki as my sounding board, it finally hit me: I have been taking myself way too seriously. I have taken on too much too fast and have been holding myself to ridiculously high standards. That's not to say that I want to approach my blog in a less professional manner. That's not it at all. Instead, I have been imposing a ridiculously strict schedule upon myself and it has taken some of the joy out of reading for me. I thought that I HAD to read this library book by this date, that ARC by that date, this Galley Grab book by another, and this Netgalley by the pub date. It finally hit me, though, that I am only one woman. It's great if I can accomplish all of that, but if I stress myself out over it, it's not fun. In other words, I need to relax and let it flow.

It has been difficult, but I have been trying to teach myself to let go a little. First to go were the Galley Grab books. I don't have time to read them and don't have a solid obligation to read them, so I thought it would be a good idea to let them go for now. I will always be able to read them when they hit shelves. Second was the books that I win from things such as Goodreads. I want to read them and I will read them, but I don't necessarily have to read them by the exact publication date. It will be okay. I have also come to the realization that my library stack is ridiculous at the moment. I don't know what I've been thinking in regard to that, but I've decided to return some books unread. I can always check them out again at a later date after things are more under control. It isn't a crime to do so. It might bother me to no end, but I'm pretty sure I can get over it. By doing all of these things, I have my reading list down to a more manageable, fun length and will even have time to read my own books at times! I am much happier having done all this and am feeling refreshed and optimistic once again.

So, you may ask what advice was given in reply to my previous post. To sum it up, some of the hints were as follows:

  • You can either push through it to keep the momentum going, or you can mix it up by facilitating a discussion, reading an old favorite, or even reading from a different genre - Shelagh from The Word Fiend
  • Try hosting guest posts or preparing several posts ahead when you are able so you won't be in a bind if the slump hits - Alanna Shaw
  • Memes may sometimes promote stagnation, as pointed out by Jeni Elyse
  • Take a break from memes; the extra time can help you boost your reading and reviewing! - Jessica from Thoughts at One in the Morning
  • In a reading slump? Pick up one of your own books from a genre you haven't read in a while. - Molli from Once Upon a Prologue
  • Take a break! Shut down your computer, watch TV, go for a walk... just clear your head. - Lan from The Write Obsession
  • Try something different: participate in read-alongs, plan a theme week, etc. - Kathy at Read This Instead
Hopefully these tips will prove helpful for others going through the dreaded slump. I found several of them inspiring and have some fresh ideas for my blog. I even have a plan rattling around in my head for Halloween week! To those of you going through something similar, good luck! You can do it. Don't give up and give yourself some time. You'll get back on track with some patience and self-understanding

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