Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blogger Book Tag

I was tagged by DJL from Denim-Jacket Librarian Dishes to take part in a round of blogger book tag.  The name of the game is to answer the questions put forth by the one who tags you, come up with your own set of questions, and then tag other bloggers to answer your set of questions.  It's as simple as that.  Let's get this party started!

1. What genre do you find yourself reading most? The least?

It's hard to say what one genre I read more of, as I have a handful of go-to favorites that take up the majority of my shelf space.  However, if there is one clear-cut winner, it would be YA paranormal romance.  My least-read genre is definitely contemporary fiction.  That's not to say that I don't enjoy certain books from this genre.  I just tend to gravitate toward historical settings and fantastical themes.

2. Where do you love to read the most?

This is a great question.  When it comes to reading away from home, Sweet Sallie's is, without a doubt, my favorite place to read.  I can get an iced mocha and a tasty cupcake and just while away a couple of hours with a good book.  When it comes to home, though, I definitely do most of my reading on my bed.  Whether I want to sit up, recline, or lie down, I can get comfy enough for a nice, long reading session.

3. What book could you read over and over without getting tired of it?

I already know the answer to this one, as I've already read this series more times than I can count.  My mom introduced me to the Three Sisters Island trilogy by Nora Roberts 10 years ago (there I go, dating myself) and I still read them all over again at least once per year.

4. What are your thoughts on graphic novels? Love 'em, don't love 'em?

I'll admit it... I've only ever read one graphic novel, and that was an illustrated version of Othello for a literature and film class.  I just haven't had ready access to graphic novels, so I have yet to read any other than Othello.

5. If you could see any book turned into a film (directly from page to "stage") which book would it be?

I think The Night Circus would be absolutely amazing as a film.  I know that the rights have been optioned, but I really hope it comes to be!

6. What do you love most about blogging? (I know, Jennifer asked that, but I'd like to know, too!)

I love both all the awesome new people I get to interact with and all the new books I learn about.  I have read so many great books thanks to blogger recs and reviews.  I only hope that I am able to do the same.

7. Who helped encourage you to become the amazing reader you are today?

My parents are definitely the force behind my reading skills.  They taught me the alphabet and how to write simple words at a very early age, plus they read to me a lot.  Thanks to their time and attention, I learned to read by myself when I was just 4 years old, which definitely put me ahead in my reading groups all through elementary school.  I can't thank them enough for instilling a love of reading in me.

8. Has a book (non-cookbook) ever inspired you to bake or cook something?

Once again, I'm going to go with Nora Roberts's Three Sisters Island trilogy, specifically Dance Upon the Air.  I was so fascinated by Nell, the primary focus of the book, as she whipped up amazing confections and meals for the equally amazing Cafe Book.

9. If you could go anywhere, whether real or fictional, where would you go?

I would go to Ireland in a heartbeat.  I would like to find out where my grandfather's family comes from, as well as visit cities such as Dublin, Cork, Galway, and many more.

10. Say you are the heroine of a fantasy/adventure novel. What animal would you love/want to have as a companion?

Though it's probably a case of stating the obvious, I would definitely go with an owl.


1. You must post the rules.
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create ten new questions to ask the people that you have tagged.
3. Tag eleven people and link to them on your post.
4. Let them know you’ve tagged them.

Tagged Victims (Er, Friends):

Nikki @ Books Most Wanted
Kyla @ Kyla Novelista
Alexa @ Alexa Loves Books
Jessi @ Reading in the Corner
Shannon @ Stalking the Bookshelves
Lindsay @ The Violet Hour
And I need 5 volunteers.  Any takers?

Your Questions:  

1. What are your top 5 most-anticipated reads for the spring?
2. What is your favorite type of post to write for your blog?
3. What was your favorite book as a child?
4. Who is your favorite person to discuss books with?
5. What genre do you most prefer to read?
6. What book-turned-movie do you most want to see?
7. What was (or is) your best subject in school?
8. What is the best book you've read so far this year?
9. What's your favorite season?
10. What is your favorite setting for a book? 

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