Thursday, April 10, 2014

Feature & Follow Friday - April 11, 2014

Feature & Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. It is a way for book bloggers to get to know each other better. To join in and make some friends, simply follow the directions listed by Parajunkee on her blog.  This week's question is:

Tell us about a book that you didn’t like and why we shouldn’t read it…nicely.

Well, this is a loaded question, isn't it?  There are a few books that induced pure rage in me, but I'll try to keep it tame.  I'll just go with my most recent dislike... Defy by Sara Larson.  Oh, my but did that book upset me.  I just reviewed it on Tuesday, but for the sake of this post, I'll keep it brief.  Rape as a plot device when there's no good reason for it is not okay in my book.  No way, no how.  We'll keep it at that.  What books really bothered you?


  1. Oh no! That book would have made me properly angry. I'm sorry you had to read that!

    New follower via GFC, BlogLovin', and Twitter! My FF!

  2. I agree. That would bother me a lot. Following via bloglovin' and GFC.
    My FF

  3. Eww I wouldn't like that either!

    New follower on Bloglovin

  4. Interesting to me... I have seen a lot of people review Defy but hadn't read a review for it yet since I haven't read it. I am for sure going to check out your review!
    Angela's Anxious Life

  5. Hopping through. I haven't heard a lot about Defy, but I see what you mean about an unnecessary plot device.
    My FF

  6. That sounds awful. I am very choosy about books about or including sexual assault.

    Thanks for stopping by. Old GFC/Twitter follower, new Bloglovin/FaceBook follower!

  7. Happy FF! I haven't heard anything good about that little gem. New bloglovin and GFC follower.
    Follow Me Here

  8. That's doesn't sound like something I'd want to read either.
    Existing Bloglovin follower.
    Here's my FF.

  9. Hopping over! The book doesn't sound great :( I immediately start disliking books every time it has sexual content in it.
    New GFC Follower! :)

    Jillian @ Jillian's Books

  10. Whoa. Rape as the main plot? Yeah that sounds pretty intense. Especially for fiction.

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  11. I agree with you, it's not something I'd like to read either. Hopping through =)

    New bloglovin' follower and twitter follower.

    My FF
    Alma @ Journey Through Fiction

  12. Doesn't sound too good at all, if you write something as intense as rape into a book there has to be a damn good reason for it in my opinion as it obviously produces a strong emotional in readers, if it's there with no purpose then it will just anger the reader so why do it?

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

    1. Forgot to add I'm a new GFC & Bloglovin follower!

  13. Never heard of that book and I'm glad I haven't. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Lacie @ Rainy Dayz Reviewz

  14. The seems oddly familiar to me, but I can't pick at it. Is it a young adult book? And yes, unnecessary plot device is a big no no for me as well. Rape is a huge issue in this world, but unless it has no purpose for the story then it is pointless.

    New GFC follower!
    My FF


    1. Yes, it's a YA that came out a couple of months ago. It really didn't serve any other purpose but to highlight how evil the king is.

  15. I haven't heard of this book before but it sounds really awful. Great post. New follower! :)

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  16. I've never read this one but I recently saw it on goodreads.. Not sure I will read it now!

    I'm a new follow via bloglovin, GfC, and Networked blogs!
    My F&F
    Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews

  17. Totally agree with you, rape is not an easy thing to read about, horrible.
    I'm a new follower :) x

    Read, Review, Repeat

    1. Hi, Angela! Thanks for following. I'm having trouble loading your site right now, but I'll keep trying so I can follow you back. :-)

  18. I'm just not getting round to my hopping. But I got to meet a blogger buddy over the weekend so that was worth being away from the computer a few days. *cackles madly* We share some tastes so I'm gladly happy to start following you!


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