Thursday, April 17, 2014

Feature & Follow Friday - April 18, 2014

Feature & Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. It is a way for book bloggers to get to know each other better. To join in and make some friends, simply follow the directions listed by Parajunkee on her blog.  This week's question is:

Spring Break. Where would be your favorite destination spot if you could join the Spring Break festivities?

I've never been one for big spring break festivities.  I would much rather go off to Europe, instead.  I'm a more quiet individual, so seeing the sights with a friend or two is more my speed.  It would be especially cool to wander around Ireland since part of my family came from there.  How about you?  Where would you go?


  1. Europe would be really cool. I'd love to go to Ireland and Spain. I have a friend who went to study in Ireland for her history degree. She loved it there. :) One day, we're planning on going to Romania. I'm kind of nervous about that, lol. My husband says they're building a vampire theme park there, but I don't know if it's finished or not.

    Old follower :)
    My FF @ Donnie Darko Girl

    1. That theme park sounds very intriguing. Now I'm curious enough to look it up. LOL Thanks for stopping by.

  2. I would love to visit England and visit a friend I have there. I have never been. I love your blog so much. I always think it looks soft and friendly whenever I visit. Thanks for stopping by my FF! I am an old follower on Bloglovin! Have a great weekend!

    1. Aw! Thank you so much. The designer who put my theme together did such a great job. I'm thinking about hiring her to make a new one.

  3. I'd love to go to Europe too!

    New follower via GFC! My FF @ A Novel Idea by Chrissy T

  4. The weather is crap here in Ireland at the min! Ill swap if you like!
    Happy Easter! GFC follower.
    My FF

  5. Sounds heavenly!
    Old follower :)
    Here is our FF!

  6. I've been to quite a few places in Europe but have never been to Ireland, which is ridiculous since I live in England. Well, one day! Happy Easter :)

    Old Follower
    My FF .
    Zareena @ Books and Books

  7. That sounds really nice to just go through Europe! I like that idea a whole lot. :)

    Happy Friday

    My F&F
    Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews

  8. OOh that sounds like fun too! I'm a quiet type as well. But get me with my friend or other book loving people and I can turn into a real chatterbox!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  9. I'd dream of going to Europe. Hopefully one day :)

    New follower via Bloglovin'.

    My FF

    ~Karina @  Watcha Reading

  10. I choose that going to Europe would be great, too! I am not a big spring breaker, either. I feel like it is annoying to travel during the same week that a ton of other people are. Talk about annoying! I don't mind quiet vacations, either.

    New follower via Bloglovin'

    My FF

  11. I'm like you, Marla - I prefer the quiet. I'm hoping for Ireland for our anniversary next year (20th)! Thanks for dropping by my blog. I'm now following you via GFC and Bloglovin. I also liked your FB page and followed you on Twitter. :) Have a great weekend!

  12. I'm not a spring break or beach type of girl, either. Sight seeing and/or Europe sound divine.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF! Old follower, but I added you on Goodreads!

  13. I hope to go to Ireland someday, and Scotland too. :) Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

    ~Pam @ Moonlight Reader


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