Monday, April 14, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday - April 15, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme from The Broke and the Bookish.  The purpose of this meme is to create a list based on weekly prompts.  Just link back to The Broke and the Bookish, then add your name and blog post to their link widget.  That's it!

Today's topic is all about the bookish things we all lust after.  In my case, this could get very strange.  Lucky for me I'm a Pinterest junkie, so finding enough items for this list wasn't too painful.

Top Ten Bookish Things (That Aren't Books) That I'd Like To Own

Oh, what I wouldn't do for one of these.  If we ever own a home of our own, I will definitely be installing a reading nook much like this.

I blame you for this, Hannah and Shalena.  Okay, now that that's out of the way, why do I want this?  It's a bookcase made to look like a Tardis.  That even opens.  Why wouldn't I want this?

Today just so happens to be my 8th wedding anniversary.  If my husband were to pull this out of his pocket, I would probably melt away.

Part of me cringes at the thought of turning a book cover into a purse, as it means, you know, removing the pages from a book cover.  However, I love Jane Eyre enough that to carry a purse depicting it would be very satisfying.

I don't wear bracelets very often, but I would definitely change that practice for this beauty.

Just in case you couldn't already tell, I love Jane Austen.  A lot.  This bracelet would be another one that would get me to wear bracelets more often.

They're owls and they're meant to hold up my books.  Why wouldn't I want this?

You know, because I would need a Jane Eyre scarf to go with a Jane Eyre purse.

I really really REALLY want this in my bedroom.  Someday, it will happen.  Oh, yes it will.

I love old-fashioned card catalogs, so to own something like this would be a dream.


  1. The Tardis bookcase should be a must in every home! :) haha

    I have the Alice In Wonderland scarf from the same people that make that Jane Eyre one. It is by far the best scarf ever. It's the perfect size and incredibly soft. Worth the money it cost.

    Here is my TTT if you'd like to see what I put down. Must Love Books

  2. I'd love to get a bookish scarf. I think I'd go for Harry Potter or Pride and Prejudice.

    1. Those would be two other choices I would make. So many good scarves out there. I may have a bit of a problem. LOL

  3. OOoh nice! Love these! I looked at the wrong question this week, so I'll be doing this one next week!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. I pretty much want everything on your list! Especially the first one if I ever have my own home. And the Jane Eyre book purse. An the Mr. Darcy book quote necklace. All of it. Except maybe the card catalog. I worked in a library that had one for years and used it to hold scrap paper after they automated. :)

    1. There is simply too much awesome bookish stuff out there. My husband would be sick of it all. LOL

  5. Love the Jane Austen bracelet. I'm a sucker for bookish gifts. So much that my blog is mainly about the cool bookish gifts I find.

    Rosa @ Bookish Findings

    1. I really must get a bracelet like that. Something pretty and jangly is usually enough to brighten one's day.

  6. I love your card catalog idea, genius! Great list.

    My TTT

  7. I put the book purse and a book scarf on my list, too. That is a really, really awesome dresser.
    Here is my list.

  8. Great list! I would love the bookcase built around the bed, I want one of those. That closet tranformed into a book reading spot is AMAZING! Plus. a tardis bookshelf... that is so cool. Here's my TTT.

  9. I love those bracelets! And the necklace!!!

  10. I adore these! :) especially the book nook and the necklace. To be honest if anyone presented me with that I would melt away :3

    Thanks for sharing these my dear and have a great week! :) xxx

    Alex @ The Shelf Diaries

    1. I'm informed I will be getting the necklace a bit later as a belated anniversary present. He's a good man, my husband. :-)

  11. So my husband built a lifesize Tardis last year - I have it on my blog somewhere - and definitely pictured on my twitter. It was so awesome - it was part of a cubicle wars prank and we were even able to sell it after haha. I want that book closet!!

  12. I LOVE that book nook! If only we weren't using all of our closets!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  13. Oh the bracelets are so charming!


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