Monday, June 11, 2012

Call of the Sea Blog Tour Part 1 - Review

by Rebecca Hart
publisher: Inkspell Publishing
date of publication: June 21, 2012
format: ARC
pages: 278
source: from the publicist for review

From Goodreads:

Elysandra Winters has always yearned for a life of adventure on the rolling seas and is willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill her dream. When her Privateer father continually refuses to allow his only daughter to sail, Ellie defies him, disguises herself as a boy, and goes in search of a captain who will give her a chance to prove her worth.

Thanks to the cursed selkie blood coursing through his veins, Daniel O'Rourke needs the sea to survive. After giving up on his humanity and spending three years in seal form, he decides to give his human side another chance. Daniel goes in search of a job and a sense of normalcy, earning himself a position aboard Captain Winter’s ship, The Siren's Call. However, his new captain’s first assignment has nothing at all to do with sailing, and everything to do with his headstrong young daughter.

Years later, when the leader of a band of bloodthirsty pirates murders Captain Winters, Daniel and Elysandra’s lives come crashing back together with the force of a hurricane. Both experts in deception, they must find a way to trust each other if they are to have any hope of hunting down the captain’s killer.

The seas often hold more than meets the eye.  Elysandra Winters is about to learn this first-hand thanks to Daniel, a young man with a surprising secret: he's a selkie, and he has just signed on to work for Elysandra's father, Captain Winters.  As the two come into and out of each other's lives thanks to Elysandra's determination to go out to sea, the foundation is laid for a surprising future.  When Ellie disguises herself as a boy and takes on a job as a cabin boy for a rival captain, it is up to Captain Winters and Daniel to find her.  However, tragedy strikes, leaving Ellie and Daniel to come to an accord... one that Captain Winters may have wanted all along.  In this romance set on the high seas, fantasy becomes reality in many ways as love takes sail and the mysteries of the sea wash up on the tide.  Get ready, for you'll never look at the ocean the same way again.

Elysandra is a character with one driving force that influences everything.  Her need to live a life of freedom on the sea is her biggest motivator and, as such, pushes her toward both some beneficial events and huge mistakes.  She is a stubborn girl with a fiery temper who won't back down no matter what.  Her indomitable spirit makes her an interesting character to follow, even in her most frustrating moments.  Daniel, on the other hand, complements her very well.  While he possesses a temper of his own, he also has a knack for being levelheaded that is a great boon to Elysandra when she is at her most temperamental.  These characters just played off of each other very well and made for an engaging dialog that kept the story moving along at a great clip.

The premise for Call of the Sea is very appealing in both its setting and plot.  The descriptions of the surroundings and the workings of the ships were so vivid and easily pictured and the storyline was engaging.  However, I did find that the timing was a bit rushed at times, especially at the beginning of the book as the years of Elysandra's childhood fly by rapidly, and nearing the end of the story when the big conflict takes place and then is over in what seems like the blink of an eye.  While it is great that the story isn't overly bogged down by unneeded details, a slower pacing and more set-up for major events would have gone a long way toward making the story feel less like I skimmed over integral parts.  

It is always wonderful to come across a story of romance with such a novel perspective as Call of the Sea.  Having only ever read two books that feature selkies, it's very refreshing to have had the chance to read a new offering.  Call of the Sea is a fun, romantic, whimsical novel that made for a very enjoyable experience.  Though it has been a long time since I read a romance novel, I'm glad to have read this one, as I found its premise to be very appealing.  If you're interested in fantasy with nice helpings of romance and hints of mythology and folklore, Call of the Sea could be the book for you.  It makes for a great summertime read thanks to its imaginative storyline and nautical adventures. 

Buy Call of the Sea at the Following Locations:

Obligatory legal statement: This advance review copy was provided to me free of charge by the publisher.  No monetary compensation was received in exchange for this fair and unbiased review.


  1. Thank you so much for the review and for being a part of the blog tour.


  2. Big thanks to you and Kelly for having me! I really enjoyed participating. :-)


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