Thursday, April 26, 2012

Review - The Calling

by Kelley Armstrong
publisher: HarperTeen
date of publication: April 10, 2012
format: ebook
pages: 210
source: purchased
read it in: 1 day

From Goodreads:
On the heels of the wildly popular The Gathering comes the second in the "Darkness Rising" YA trilogy from NYT bestselling author Kelley Armstrong.

Maya Delaney's paw-print birthmark is the mark of what she truly is--a skin-walker. She can run faster, climb higher, and see better than nearly everyone else. Experiencing intense connections with the animals that roam the woods outside her home, Maya knows it's only a matter of time before she's able to Shift and become one of them. And she believes there may be others in her small town with surprising talents.

Now, Maya and her friends have been forced to flee from their homes during a forest fire they suspect was deliberately set. Then they're kidnapped, and after a chilling helicopter crash, they find themselves in the Vancouver Island wilderness with nothing but their extraordinary abilities to help them get back home.

What else can I say about Kelley Armstrong's books that I haven't already said?  So far, I have enjoyed every single one of her YA novels and have been compelled to pick up her adult novels as a result.  The Calling has continued what The Gathering started with its absorbing writing and riveting plot.  As The Calling literally picks up right where The Gathering left off, it almost feels as though I'm writing a second review of the latter.  Since I read them back-to-back, I was treated to a seamless storyline that just kept getting better and better.

We really get to see Maya in her element in The Calling.  As she and her friends wander through the wilderness, it is Maya who takes on a strong leadership role.  Her talents with all things nature are brought to the forefront and Maya really stands out as a result.  While the others struggle with their situation, Maya keeps her head together, showing just how strong and resourceful she is.  I could easily have continued following her story had the third book been available right then and there.

The plot became even more intriguing in The Calling, which I didn't think was possible.  There are even more revelations about the goings on in Maya's town, as well as its citizens, each more intriguing than the one before.  The element of danger is quite tangible and the urgency of escape is understandable.  The revelation of certain characters' true personalities and intent was so very shocking and I loved the layers it added to the story.  Overall, I was absolutely thrilled by the storyline and can't wait for the culmination of the series, just so I can know what happens to all of the characters I have become so interested in.

I can't express enough how much I have enjoyed the Darkness Rising series so far.  I enjoyed The Gathering immensely, but The Calling was even better with its increase in action, plot revelations, and character development.  The setting is near flawless and makes for an even more riveting story.  If you want a series with strong characters, paranormal elements, and non-stop action, you definitely need to pick this one up.  The Calling, as a middle novel, won't let you down in the least.

Buy The Calling in the Following Locations:


  1. I loved The Calling too and I'm completely bummed that I have to wait so long for the next book to come out =( Awesome review though!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  2.  Thanks!  I know!  The wait is going to be a killer.  :-(


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