Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring Into Horror Read-a-Thon: Starting Line

Due to a review book that I needed to finish, I'm starting a day late.  I'm okay with this, though, as I read a lot over the weekend.  I'm going to jump right in, though, and am ready to go.  This will be the post that I update on everyday.  Here goes nothing!

April 24, 2012: Reading I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga and Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross

April 25, 2012: Reading I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga (28% finished) and Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross (68% finished) - Serial killers and the darkest side of fairy tales sums up my current reads quite nicely.  There are definitely chills to be had.

April 26, 2012: Finished Kill Me Softly; Finished I Hunt Killers - Oh. My!  Both of these novels were seriously chilling and I Hunt Killers was, dare I say, horrific?  It's going to be hard to follow that, but I think my next reads will be The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda and Born at Midnight by C.C. Hunter.

April 27, 2012: Reading Born at Midnight by C.C. Hunter (50% finished) and The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda (17% finished) - I'm moving along at a very nice pace.  There's oodles of supernaturals in Born at Midnight and The Hunt is positively chilling.

April 28, 2012: Reading Born at Midnight by C.C. Hunter (74% finished) and The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda (32% finished) - I'm completely hooked on Born at Midnight at the moment, so I haven't made much more progress with The Hunt.  I should be finishing the former soon, though.

April 29, 2012: Finished Born at Midnight; Reading The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda (67% finished) and Awake at Dawn by C.C. Hunter (7% finished) - I couldn't help myself.  Once I finished Born at Midnight, I just had to start Awake at Dawn.  What can I say?  If I have the next book in a series on hand, chances are I'm going to pick it up immediately.  There's lots of ghost and vampire action going on, so it had its moments.  I'm more than half-way through The Hunt now.  I think I've gotten a better idea of what is going on with the populace now.  It's chilling and, at times, gruesome.  It's an intriguing story, though, so I hope I can finish it soon.  Now that I have reached the end of the read-a-thon, you can see the final stats below.

Overall Progress

Books Read:3
Pages Read:1,294
Goal Progression: 3/5 books

I didn't quite make it to my goal thanks to taking care of a sick toddler and, in turn, getting sick, myself.  I wound up sleeping a lot, which seriously cut into my reading time.  I'm still satisfied with what I accomplished, however, as I did read some good books and am still reading some more.  


  1. Hi Marla! Glad you're joining in on the read-a-thon.  I hope you enjoy the week.  I didn't see your link in the starting line linky.  Be sure to add it so I know you're participating and to be eligible for the giveaway.  There are links to it and the prize page at the top of the posts section.  http://castlemacabre.blogspot.com/

    Happy Reading!

  2. This has turned out to be a really, really hectic week.  I'm still hoping to finish 3 books, though!  I finally got my link added to the list, so I should be all set.  :-)

  3. Just stopping by with some encouragement and to see what's what! Whatcha reading now?  Hope you're enjoying the read-a-thon!

  4.  Hi, Michelle!  I'm a resident of Sick-ville today, so I'm lazing around on the loveseat reading Born at Midnight by C.C. Hunter.  I finished both of my previous reads, so I'll be starting The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda as my ebook pick.  :-)

  5. Thanks for joining me for the read-a-thon.  I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you're feeling better now.  I think you did great with the reading.  I hope you will join me at The True Book Addict for the High Summer Read-a-Thon in July.


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